Saturday, January 26, 2008

Download Free Games & Movies For Iphone by Jonathan Webster

Yes, you really can get free downloads of games and movies for your Iphone. If you're one of the lucky folks that has got in early and nabbed an Iphone already, you are definitely going to want to know how to get your hands on some of this free media.

Before you can download anything at all for your Iphone however, there are a few things you will need. You can't currently download directly to the Iphone, for one reason or another, so these items are a must.

The most obvious is a computer. It's pretty hard to access the internet without one and also you will need to store the downloaded stuff somewhere before you transfer it to the Iphone, right?

Secondly, you guessed it, some form of internet connection. This is probably the easiest part, as if you have a notebook or a laptop you can probably just sit in your local Starbucks and piggyback their wireless connection or something. As always, the faster the connection you can get, the better.

Lastly, and this is the thing most people forget about â€" you need to have the space to store all the stuff. The iphone may be pretty advanced but it's not bottomless â€" and it sure fills up fast once you have access to some free downloads.

Once you have all this stuff, (and let's face it if you are reading this article the chances are you already do) you'll need to find somewhere to download the free games and movies from. Most people at one point or another have used a file sharing or bit torrent site to get downloads, but it may surprise you to know that this is against the law â€" it's illegal to download things from websites like that in the most case, unless you already own a copy of whatever you download. Odd but true. Always check the laws and regulations in your own area.

There are a whole host of download sites for you to choose from these days, and they mainly work by charging you a one-off admin fee which then gives you lifetime access to their download libraries. The libraries are huge, with some having over 100 million files for you to look through. This makes it very easy to find your favourite TV show, or pretty much anything else you may be looking for. These sites are definitely recommended to get your free game and movie downloads from.

This article should give you a great idea of how to safely go about download free stuff for your Iphone.

To Download or Not To Download by Jonathan Webster

The dilemma facing many new Iphone owners is whether they should download games to play on it or should they just use the built in web browser to play online browser games. The biggest argument is the fact that there are far more games available to download than there is to play online. Read on for more information.

In most cases, if all you are looking to do is pass the time it can be worthwhile to just use the online games. Even if you aren't aware of them, it's very simple to find playable browser games - a quick internet search will usually reveal hundreds if not thousands of them.

This is obviously good news, but the downside is that the online games are usually inferior in quality to the games you would download. Also, you will need to be in an internet service area to be able to play them. This can cause problems if you are travelling on a bus or train or something, as the signals can easily be dropped in these circumstances, which means the game goes byebye!

On the bright side, downloading Iphone games does not need to be as expensive as you may first imagine. Granted, it can be expensive, but if you can find some of the better sites around, you'll find there's a wealth of games and things available for you to download for free.

This sounds great, but it can be a little dangerous if you aren't well prepared, so check out these guidelines first:

1-First of all, steer clear of the Peer 2 Peer or file sharing sites. Downloading from sites like this is illegal in many countries and territories, so if you do feel the need to visit them be sure to check your local laws and regulations. It's never been easier for the authorities to trace downloads etc, so don't break the law unless you want to go to jail.

2-Keep your computer safe- actively downloading files and games etc can be a great way to get it stuffed full of viruses and dangerous software, so it's important to make sure your security suite is up to date and working correctly. You won't be downloading anything if you ruin your computer!

3-The last tip is to be prepared to pay for access. Some of the better sites will charge you an admin fee before they give you access to their download database. This sounds bad, but it will give you access to their MP3s and movies as well as games, so it usually represents excellent value, as their libraries are large and your downloads are usually uncapped.

As you can see, downloading anything to your Iphone can be dangerous and can easily ruin your computer if you aren't careful. Hopefully these guidelines will help you stay safe.

Download Iphone Game Or Play Online? by Jonathan Webster

As an Iphone owner, you may or may not know that as well as being able to use the safari browser to play online, or browser based games as they are known you can also download games for the Iphone. Check out these tips for downloading games onto your Iphone.

First of all, your little Iphone is packed with more computing power than you may possibly realise. While browser games may be cool, they can often be a little basic, so you will need to download things to get the real cream of the crop.

The second point is to make sure and have a good look around some of the download sites. There are quite a few of them around now, and you can find the variety between them quite staggering. Also, one of the coolest things is that if you find the right sites, the game downloads will be totally free, which is obviously great.

Something else to consider is that some download sites can be pretty dangerous to your computer, because of viruses etc. If you are familiar with file sharing sites or P2P sites or whatever you want to call them, you may well have experience of viruses etc. This is because sites like this most often don't have any guidelines or regulation by the site owners or webmaster, allowing users to upload whatever they like. It seems cool to have this freedom at first, but it means that many of the sites are riddled with viruses and spyware etc.

As a final tip, always look for reports or reviews from a previous customer - it's very easy to make a site look all exciting and trustworthy on the internet, so looking out for someone else's experience with that particular site can be very helpful indeed - it can save you money in the long run and can even help your computer stay protected from virus and other nasty things!

You'll find that with virtually all of the worthwhile Iphone download sites, you will need to pay some kind of fee before you get access to the downloads. This fee is usually what helps them provide the free downloads in the first place, as it helps them cover costs and administration etc. It's not such a bad thing either, because the small fee in question will most often cover you for life, which obviously represents pretty good value.

You've now got at least a working knowledge of how to download games for your Iphone, so happy downloading and thanks for reading!

How To Put Movies On Iphone by Jonathan Webster

If you own an Iphone, you've probably already worked out how much fun it is to use it to watch movies-it has that nice big screen, and the sound quality is surprisingly good too. Now imagine if you knew how to download Iphone movies without having to pay.

As you may imagine, downloading Iphone movies for free can be very difficult unless you know exactly how to do it - not only that but you can get yourself into some serious trouble if you download from the wrong place. Use the following guidelines to help you avoid any problems.

1-Take the time to find a site you can trust. Hopefully your downloading relationship with this website will be a long and fruitful one, so it makes good sense to pick a site you can live with. A good way to find a reputable site is to ask around, or maybe search on the internet for some reviews or customer points of view.

2- Always keep in mind that many websites will be falling over themselves trying to get you to visit them. What's more, many of them won't be too subtle about it, so you'll be faced with a million popups in some cases, and in most cases it can prove very difficult to negotiate your way out of there. Generally speaking, you are usually better off just steering clear of sites with lots of popups like that.

3-Forget about using the torrent sites, P2P sites or whatever they are called these days. There have been numerous famous sites like this over the years, with several being taken to court etc. The simple fact is that downloading from sites like this is completely against the law in most places. If you do insist on getting your free downloads from somewhere like this, please be sure to check all applicable laws for your area, as people really do go to jail for things like this. Is it worth jail to get the new Matt Damon?

4-The last tip for downloading Iphone movies is to get ready to pay. There are a few new sites around these days that will give you access to huge download databases, and totally free downloads, but not before you pay their admin fee. This fee usually gives you totally free downloads, and sometimes it lasts for your whole life too, so it's pretty good value. As with anything, there are good and bad sites like this, so it's definitely worhwhile for you to look around before you take the plunge.

These tips can really help you build up quite a sizeable Iphone movie collection, but only if you are smart. Don't break the law, and make sure your computer is secure- happy downloading!

Can You Get Free Games For Your Iphone by Jonathan Webster

Are you one of the thousands of Iphone owners who has no idea that they can get free games for their Iphone? It's pretty cool to download things from Itunes, but with a little research you can find thousands of other places to download from -check out our tips below to help you find out where.

The Iphone is staggeringly popular, although it hasn't really come as much of a surprise - you only have to consider the Ipod as proof of Apple's dominance with such gadgets. If you are lucky enough to be one of the early Iphone owners, check out these resources to help you get some free Iphone games.

1-It's one of the most obvious ways to find anything these days, but a simple google search can yield excellent results when you are looking for places to get your downloads. The downside of this is that after a little while you begin to realise that many of these sites have a few things in common. The trouble is that the sites that make themselves the most accessible in this way are the ones that are simply looking to make money with their advertising. They get paid for you to click on their ads, so it's in their interest to drag as many visitors as possible into their site, and for this reason you'll find that many of them offer no real downloads at all.

2-There is a slight variation on the sites above, in that they will offer a couple of Iphone downloads, whether they be games or movies or wallpapers or whatever, but they will be very old and dated, and in many cases once you complete the download you'll find it doesn't work anyway. The point of this is, you guessed it, just to attract visitors who may then click on the advertising and make some money. Not exactly a noble business model, but I guess it works as there seem to be enough sites like that around!

3-The most obvious place for you to look when downloading just about anything these days is the torrent sites, peer to peer sites, or file sharing sites, or whatever they are called this week. I'm sure you know the ones-huge download collections, completely illegal to use, and yet it seems like everyone knows someone who has gone download crazy and downloaded huge amounts of things from there. Avoid these sites like the plague. It's illegal to use them in most places, and also there are usually a fair amount of viruses etc to be found within their databases. Not cool!

4-Your best bet for free Iphone game downloads, and just about anything else for the Iphone is the newer type of download site. A few of these popped up a while back for the Ipod, and it seems like they are following the trend with the Iphone. Basically, they work by charging and admin fee up front, and once you pay that you then have access to their whole download database. Not just Iphone games either, you'll find movies, games, tv shows, music videos and all kinds of stuff. Think of it like a version of Itunes where you pay one flat fee. Using sites like this usually works out far cheaper than something like Itunes in the long run.

Getting free Iphone games and other downloads can seem like a very far fetched idea, that is until you find the right places. Hopefully this article has helped you know where to look. Happy downloading!

How To Put Music Onto Your Iphone by Jonathan Webster

If you're lucky enough to own an Iphone, it's just about guaranteed that one of the first things you will want to know once you got it is how to put some music on it. It's a valid question, as what could be cooler than having all your music and movies in one place, not to mention an internet connection. Check out the rest of this article to find out exactly how to get the music onto the Iphone

It's generally taken as a given that with any Apple portable entertainment system, there are two ways to get music onto it-the first being from your existing CDs or MP3s, and the second being to download them from the internet. It's a little easier to get the music from CDs at this point, as it doesn't require any kind of internet connection etc.

All you need to do is obtain some "ripping" software to take the music from the CD and store it onto your computer (you can get free ripping software quite easily, just Google it). It's a simple process, and once done, Itunes will happily transfer the music onto the Iphone. It's not a tough process, and it's pretty fast too as modern rippers are much faster than old ones.

Obtaining music from the internet is a little trickier, but it's still pretty simple. The most obvious way, and the way used by most people is to simply connect their computer to the internet and use the Itunes software to purchase and download whatever music takes their fancy. It's then possible to "sync" the software with your Iphone or Ipod, and it will be updated with whatever new downloads have arrived. This is pretty much the given way of doing things, and while efficient it can be expensive.

An altogether more cost effective idea is to try one of the newer download sites that are emerging. It seems that Apple no longer hold the monopoly on such things, as there are numerous sites emerging which offer you lifetime music downloads after a one off flat fee, of usually something like $50. It doesn't take a genius to work out where the best value is!

You should now have a much greater knowledge of how to put music on your Iphone. There are a few different options to you, and like most things in life, each method will suit different people. The best thing to do is make up your own mind about which method feels best to you. Good luck!

Fm Radio For Iphone: Will There Ever Be Fm Radio For The Iphone? by Star Smith

By now everyone knows that the iphone is way more than just a cell phone, it's a multi-media communications and entertainment device. I mean, the iphone is not only sleek and beautiful in design, but it's loaded with the latest Web 2.0 interactivity.

The iphone is a cell phone with an mp3 player, a digital camera, real time video, Google Maps, photo storage, email and internet access. Gee, it seems like this smartphone has just about everything anybody could want, that is . . . except FM radio.

There used to be a time when the portable transistor radio was the only way a person could take their music with them wherever they went. Back in the day, this was a major attraction, because radio was king and everybody could get at least two or three stations whether they were sitting in the park, hanging out at the beach, or listening in while they were at work.

The problem with the old style transistor radio was that it wasn't very personable. Everybody could hear what you were listening to, which could be disruptive in certain situations. Then Sony comes along with the Sony Walkman.

Suddenly, we could all listen to our favorite music on cassette tapes while on the go. Actually, this was pretty revolutionary back in the day because most people had a decent collection of albums, but you couldn't listen to them anywhere but on your home stereo. The boom box was in, but that was big and cumbersome.

Sony made it popular to carry around a collection of select music, in a compact unit, that didn't rely on what your local DJ was playing on the radio. As the Walkman became more popular, the less convenient portable radios became a thing of the past - almost. Sony does make a portable radio that's pretty cool.

The lack of a radio on the Walkman personal cassette player is directly linked to the iPhone of today. There is speculation that manufacturers do not include radio on CD, mp3 players and the iphone due to technical restraints and wanting to keep the units compact.

However, if the iphone can access the internet, why is it so difficult to include radio access as well?

A multimedia device like the iphone should definitely include some kind of streaming FM radio service. Even though radio has been marginalized by mp3 downloaded content, there is still a large group of people who desire to have the option of listening to their favorite radio stations as well.

Apple does have iTunes radio that you can easily listen to on your computer. If you've been there, you know how great the selection is. We now have more access to radio stations than ever before, yet, we still can't easily get radio on our ipod or iphone.


I have to admit that there must be a practical reason why Apple did not include FM radio as part of the iphone applications, but so far, there's no explanation for this to the consumers.

Hey, but maybe there is reason to be hopeful that this feature will be added in the future. There's already a rumor that the next generation of the iphone may include an application that can stream FM radio. For now, our iphone FM radio dreams are just wishful thinking.